Thursday, January 26, 2012

Stuff Alaskans (don't) say:

I want to note that I did not come up with these. I saw them somewhere and thought they were funny, so I wanted to share.

Here we go. Things Alaskans don't say:

"There's at LEAST 3" of snow out there. Of COURSE school is cancelled."
"Let's pull over and take pictures of that moose!"
"Oh no.. it's a nice restaurant. No one's going to be wearing jeans."
"What the heck are jumper cables?"
"Look at all this FREE downtown parking!"
"So.. a popular retail store or restaraunt is opening it's first location in Alaska? So what?"
"That motorhome needs to SLOW...DOWN!"
"ANOTHER dividend check?! I wish they'd just give those to the homeless."
"Palin? You  mean.. Michael Palin? The Monty Python guy?"
"Wait.. there are different kinds of Salmon?"
"I am getting the crack in this windshield fixed immediately."
"I think you mean snowMOBILE."
"No! They can't be crazy. They're in Fairbanks."
"You're right.. it is warm in here. I'll turn the AC on."
"Of COURSE it's classy. It's in Wasilla."
"Well, their site says they don't ship outside the US. So, it makes sense."
"Hey... wear a hat. It's like, 50 degrees out there."

And... my own contributions:
"This guy behind me is clearly going faster than I am. I should move over and let him pass."
"These are the best roads I've ever driven on."

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